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20 May 2013

Florida, ahoy!

One whirlwind of a day in Florida.

Cruised on jet skis through the bay.

Explored Egmont Key Barracks.

Sat at the dock of the bay and watched the tide roll away...

15 May 2013

From the mountains of Virginia to the lakes of Savannah

Driving from Pennsylvania to Florida in 3 days... here's a snap shot of somewhere in the hills of Virginia and a campground lake in Savannah, Georgia.

08 May 2013

The Barn on Fretz Valley Road

Beautiful barn, with rustic elegance fit for a wedding.

High-ceiling interior, above the pony stable.

And guinea hens.

03 May 2013

Beach Birds

Seagull flying solo

Sandpipers running in waves

Hampton, NH

It's so nice to breath that fresh, salty air!

 the marsh

 the rocky shore

 the birds