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20 August 2011


A walk through Evergreen cemetery with my Nan has always been, and will always be, a delight.


The reflection pool at the Christian Science Center in Boston.

10 August 2011

The G.C.

No words can describe, and no photo can fully encompass, such an enormity of vast, natural beauty.  Not larger than life, but larger than expectations and imagination.  Simply, uniquely, beautiful.

Hoover Dam

From the bustling streets of Vegas to the bustling tourist spot of the Hoover Dam, en route to the Grand Canyon.

The water level was quite low, as you can see...

09 August 2011

Vegas, baby, Vegas.

2 nights in Vegas before embarking on a week camping trip around Arizona and Utah to visit all the glories of nature.

The Vegas I expected...

And the Vegas that delighted me...

07 August 2011

Battle of Gettysburg

A day at the historic battlegrounds of Gettysburg.  The photo below is of a statue in commemoration of the 111th New York Infantry.

02 August 2011

2 1/2 days in Reykjavik

Our summer travels began with a 2 1/2 day stop over in Reykjavik, Iceland.  We spent our short time there walking around the city and then embarked on a bus tour into the Thingvelir National Forest.

View of Reykjavik from the church steeple.

One stop on the bus tour - geysers!

The photo above is of "Litle-Geysir" or "Little Geyser".  The oldest geyser in Iceland is named "Geysir", hence the root of the word commonly used today for these.  Geysir is no longer active, and Litl-Geysir has yet to be active.