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27 March 2009

such a beautiful feeling

Today I've decided to change my dissertation topic from German sign language/the German deaf community to philanthropy in the UK. I've been pushed and pushed to keep my study within the UK and so there you have it. An anthropological look into the philanthropists of the UK. I'm not nearly as passionate about this topic, but I'm hoping to either learn something endearing about the place I've begun to abhor or to be able to slightly uncover something superficial. As with all things, we'll see how it goes.

As an aside, I plan to update more often. This photo is not mine, but I've edited it.

11 March 2009

Crab and Winkle Link

As promised, another post.

I seem to be lacking motivation. I've been struggling with my MA program because it is nothing like I was expecting or wanted. It's frustrating, but I have hope that my dissertation will give me something I've been needing. If in fact it is approved. Please excuse my poor outlook right now, UK academia (at least from my experience at Kent) has been quite discouraging. I was once considering moving on to a PhD, but I think right now I want to be away from University.

In other, more exciting news, I'm learning German and reading up on German sign language.