This a picture that I forgot about. Kind of an accident, because I didn't think it would turn out nearly as well as it did. As did this weekend. I hit the road to Boston to catch up with some wonderful people, and upon returning on Saturday afternoon I received an e-mail, confirming my acceptance to the University of Kent. In short, I'm thrilled! And exhausted. Good night.
And so much has happened since my last post. In short: I was in a car accident, I decided not to go to Miami, I moved to Portland, and I'm working at a health club. The above picture is of Toby, one of my newfound friends/roommates. I feel like September was not much more than a blur of working, borrowing, moving, and helping out. Thank-you to everyone that helped me. Hopefully I will be taking more pictures and posting more often. Good night.
This image captured courtesy of my friend Dean. He saw my other fate photo, and then pointed out this sign to me. I'd like to think they want to stop the fate spiral before it turns to rubbish.
And he actually is somewhat of a time capsule, to be opened in about 100 years from now I believe.
I like this photo. It's from my recent trip to Millinocket. This is from my hike through Gulf Hagus. I like that the man is slightly out of focus, because it alludes to a life well lived.
Today I received a phone call from Miami International University of Art and Design, congratulating me on my acceptance. Celebratory events are to follow, I'm very excited to now know the next step in my life. I may be moving to Miami sooner than expected if I get this Production Assistant job I applied for. It's for 3 months and sounds like a lot of fun, so we shall see. If not, it looks as though my time in Maine will be up around August or possibly mid-September before heading down to PA and then to Miami for a solid one and a half years of schooling.
I hope to live well and leave blurred images because of it.
An artistic experimental experiment a la Jackson Pollock. Six shades of paint, five brushes, two artists and one canvas. This painting is appropriately entitled "Stuck in a Moment."
What is it that's so appealing about a blue back drop? The eyes find it comforting and attractive...maybe because of it's abundance and the connection made with the larger entities of our lives, such as the sky and the ocean? Whatever it may be, it works. It's non-abrasive and attractive. A good back drop for any color tone. At least that's why they use it for the news. But this - a silhouette - is simple. Beauty in simplicity, a simple camera trick.
The rain let up enough to provide a good day for taking some pictures on Friday. I haven't really spent too much time outside this summer. But now that I'm settling into a regular (though nutty) work schedule, I think I'll be able to spend more time taking pictures and just lounging outside.
Not much else to comment on. I'm just trying to stay awake at work...
This post's title is a quote from Rod Stewart's song, Every Picture Tells a Story. I've never seen Almost Famous, but lately I've been enjoying the soundtrack. This photo was taken on a rainy Sunday night. Last Sunday, to be exact. I didn't notice it, but a friend pointed it out to me. Graffiti itself has always fascinated me, and I feel that it is ever so appropriate to have "fate" scrawled on the lid of a trash can. In quotations nonetheless.
I recently started a part-time job at WGME-13 as an operations technician. The hours are less than glamourous, but I sincerely enjoy the people I get to work with, and I'm learning a lot. I'm still waiting to hear back from the 2 grad schools I've applied to. As it turns out, the grade for my senior thesis was never turned in, leaving my transcript incomplete. Hopefully I can get this mess cleared up before the weekend, so I will hear back within the week.
Spring is now here, now that the flowers have emerged and the trees have once again turned green. Maine is beautiful.
Today there was a Memorial Day parade. I wish I had known ahead of time, I wanted to be down taking some photos. But instead I kind of woke up to it. I miss being in parades.
And the mills cease to amaze me. I find them very powerful, and beautiful.
I just recently started to work at WGME Channel 13 in Portland in the Master Control Room. I've learned a lot this past week and pretty soon my training will be complete and I'll be working some very late nights on my own. But I'm enjoying myself.
This past week was incredibly busy for me, aside from starting a new job, a trip to the ER, a concert in Boston, and babysiting on top of that. So it was nice to take a day off today to just sit and enjoy myself. I guess that's why I chose the above picture for this post, it's my Nana about to indulge in a special peach dessert.
Graduation was yesterday. I have officially and sucessfully completed my BA. And it feels good, it truly does. It's a wonderful thing, to be around people that fully love and support you. I am starting to feel a sense of pride, as many say that I should. And so I am posting this's of a tulip, and I'm quite proud of it. Cheers.
The day started our very grey and full of rain, but then the sky lit up as the clouds seperated at about 7 this evening.
Gorgeous. An excellent evening of photos.
Yesterday I went to breakfast at the Cole Road Cafe with my dad, and then lunch with my Auntie at Dry Dock. The meals were delicious indeed. I spent the rest of the day walking around Fortune's Rock Beach, taking some photos. It was absolutely lovely, I hadn't been out to the beach alone in awhile. And at this time of year in Maine, the beaches are vacant. Which is nice. Very can breathe deep.
It's 12:33 in the AM and here I sit, procrastinating my Citizenship paper via reminiscing about Sydney. Really, I don't think I could have asked for a better time or greater people to be with. The roommate situation worked out perfectly, everybody was civil and mature (for the most part) and we had a lot of fun. I don't know if I've ever felt as comfortable anywhere as I did when I was in Sydney. The odd thing was that living in the city seemed to come so natural to me, some one who has been raised in the suburbs/rural arena. But I truly loved it. The people, the bustle, the activities, the close proximity to everything, it was something else. Yes, I had my gripes about the smell of the Central Station tunnel and the coldness of some folks and the lack of green, but everything just seemed to fit. And no matter what happened, everything was okay. No worries, exactly.
And now here I am at the end of my college years, not exactly knowing what comes next. Hopefully graduate school and then a job that will let me travel. Maybe I'll get to go back someday. It's more than a stone's throw away of course, but I think I could stay, I do. Could you?
Last Friday, the day before UNE's Earth Day bash ("Reduce, Reuse, Rock Out") I was strolling across campus and saw this stump, right between the quad and Alfond. A very smooth cut, yes. Wood is extremely beautiful to photograph. As are trees. Granted, this tree could have already been uprooted, knocked around, or split in half by the nor'easter we had last week, but nevertheless it's such an ironic site to see after gazing at the numerous Earth Day flyers and announcements. And the campus grounds have been known to be paved over for no apparent (I emphasize apparent) reason in example, the curved extension on the path behind Avila.
Please note the World/Earth flag. Please note the American flag. And lastly, let's compare the sizes, shall we? Of course (and hopefully) the significant difference in size was unintentional and UNE was just doing a good thing by putting up the World flag in lieu of Earth Day. But it does raise a political eyebrow. Is America truely that dominant in the world? Does America see itself as more important than the rest of the world? Why don't we capitalize "world" anyway, isn't it a proper noun? Or are there only "proper" nations?
As most of you may know, this week has been quite wet (to say the least). A Nor'Easter struck the Southern Maine area hard on Sunday night, and today was the first day of actual sunlight sans rain since. This photo was taken on Tuesday, on my way back from classes. Crooked signs were really the least of troubles. I housed a couple of good friends that were evacuated from their Hills Beach home on Monday. Things are drying up now, I'm going to take a drive around tomorrow and hopefully come up with some nifty "natural disaster" pictures.
I really enjoy that moment...right when the pitter-patter of the rain hushes and then stops completely, and then everything lightens (brightens) up. Even the air. These are my feet. Dry and warm, propped up on my loveseat's arm, soaking in the window's sunlight.
Darling Harbor on a rainy day in September. If I recall correctly, I do believe this is from when Dana, Jess, and I attempted to visit the wildlife park in Darling Harbor. And it rained, a lot.
I also believe that I quite possibly just ruined any chance of showing my thesis in the CAS Symposium. More on this later...
This photo was actually an accident. I was driving to school for an etiquette reception and it was absolutely beautiful today - the sun was shining and the air was warm. So I decided to snap a couple of shots coming out of my parking lot. I still had my camera in hand when I turned and took this by accident, and I really like how it turned out.

We had an absolutely beautiful snow day in Maine today. Absolutely breath-taking. I'm not necessarily impressed by snow fall (though I was a bit surprised since it has been so warm), however there is something about the way the snow was sticking to everything today...just like in a painting or a Winter Wonderland scene. It was beautiful, and I actually drove back home to retrieve my camera before continuing with my day's adventures (one of which included traversing through Saco sans street lines).
I kind of felt like an investigator reporter today, or at least a photo journalist. There were so many trees knocked down, split in half, and entangled in telephone wires! And (here comes the big news), the Dunkin Donuts was closed. Le gasp! I know. I was snapping pictures left and right, while walking or while sitting in my car as it warmed up. A fun in findings day, it was.
I am a huge fan of color. During my rather mundane snow day, I was blinded by an American flag...the red stripes stinging my eyes from afar, separating itself from the greys and whites of the daylight. I didn't have my camera at that point, and I was driving, and I don't think a photo could have ached the eyes as this site did. But during my search for WiFi to mooch on, I noticed this lovely green prop of a plant, sitting alone on the cold grey floor by the blinding white window. It made me feel warm.
A change in weather causes a change in mood causes a change in music, sometimes. Though I feel a bit bog-downed with the week looming ahead, I am enjoying the sounds of MIKA. He's very fun and upbeat.
That note aside, the Variety Show is Wednesday (8-9:30 at UNE). I am one of the hosts...I don't exactly play an important role on stage, but I scripted and video taped for the skits we will be doing. It should be fun, I hope you can make it.
It was absolutely beautiful this Sunday...maybe not in terms of sun, but certainly in terms of temperature. Which brings us to today's photo. This is one of the Biddeford Mills, and was taken from my tower. I was so excited to open up the windows and found some excellent photo opportunities. This one came through with the most natural color, the others were fairly grey. Yes, it was a grey day, but I wanted to convey the warmth I could feel.
So, there you have it. I hope you're succeeding in the spring allergy battle, because I'm certainly struggling.
This is where I live.
Hello and welcome to the beginning of my blog.
I've been wanting to start a blog for quite some time, and since graduation is just a month away, I decided now would be an excellent time to begin. I also have dreams of creating my own film production company (Reel Culture) be on the look out for that.
Well, I think that's enough of a start. It's a lovely Spring evening and I am presently being serenaded by the beautiful finger-pickings of Noah Harrison.